Saturday, 4 July 2009

Moon - 月

Nelson, New Zealand

Nikon D200
Tamron SP MF 500mm F8 Reflex (55BB)
F8, 1/60, ISO-100

This was taken as part of test shot of 55BB. I have not cropped. A camera profile was applied via LightRoom while importing/converting from NEF and some contrast was adjusted.


  1. Wow Ben, this is mindblowing! It shoud have been a really clear night in Nelson! Cheers

  2. Beautiful moon!

    I was looking at the moon last night, even took a picture (a far cry from the quality of yours). It has grown considerable since you took this pictures here.

  3. Ben, sorry it's been so long since I've been around to look and comment. Health problems and work issues have thrown my blogging and photography out the window.

    Trying to get back into it, I miss it.

    Love the layout of your photo blog! This is quite impressive looking.

    I love good moon shots, and that pink-sky looking one called "moon" is the kind that makes me stop and stare at it a while. Beautiful.


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